Meet the Creatures
Allow us to introduce you to the team!
Scaly Reptile Team
Some have smooth scales, some have rough, some have four legs and some have none, some stick out their forked tongue and some don't blink, but they all have two things in common: they are cold blooded and pleased to make your acquaintance!
Creepy crawly TEAM
It's not all about how many legs you have that gets you on this team! Some have hundreds of legs, some just have one great big slimy foot. To be a member of Team Creepy Crawly you simply must have your skeleton on the outside of your body.
Feathered Bird TEAM
The only way to join the Bird Team is to shake your tail feather, in fact, any feather will do. It's what makes a bird, a bird after all!
Furry Mammal TEAM
Who has the silkiest. who has the bristliest, who has the fluffiest and who has the smoothest fur coat of them all? There's only one way to find out!